Sossie Khatcherian


Sossie Khatcherian (CEO Dance Plant Records Inc.) is a modest music industry professional with hands on experience in various sectors. Her morning routine commences managing the day-to-day operations of the business, until one of her artists’ calls with a new song. She then jumps into overdrive to liaise with the numerous distributors across the globe. Driven by a desire to master the complete 360 process of the music industry, she’s produced and edited music videos, collaborated with publishers on a global level, arranged recording, producing and publishing contracts with numerous artists, and booked the various venues for the videos. She’s negotiated contracts, worth well over six figures, with the major labels (Sony, Warner & Universal) to acquire the best deal for all stakeholders.

Sossie is a proficient networker that can be found interacting with key players at music conventions (Midem, Music Biz, Mondo NYC, CMW etc.). And on that odd moment when she isn’t on the phone, she’s busy marketing her artists on Spotify, iTunes and other digital mediums.