2024 Talks

All talks will be held in the Dom na Kulturata “Boris Hristov,” Halls 1 and 2.

Всички дисцусии ще се проведат в Дома на културата „Борис Христов“, зали 1 и 2.




11:00-12:00, hall 1

Why, When and How should you Want / Need an Artist Manager

presented by Cutting Through The Noise (CutNoise™️)

The workshop will take participants through types and roles an artst manager plays in the artist’s career development.

You will familiarize yourself with Why, When, and How an Artist Manager will need
to become a presence in the life of the artist.  (In English with Bulgarian Translation)

with Marcelo Garibotto (Founder of CutNoise) with an All-Star Cast


спонсориран от Cutting Through The Noise (CutNoise™️)

Този семинар ще Ви запознае с видовете ролите на мениджъра в кариерното развитие на Артиста.

Основите въпроси на които ще отговорим са: Защо, Кога и Как мениджърът се превръща в необходимост в живота на всеки артист. (на английски с български превод)

с Marcelo Garibotto (Founder of CutNoise) with an All-Star Cast

12:15-13:15, hall 1

The worlds of gaming, cinema, licensing, and production music

How can you exploit those revenue streams and are they a sustainable model in today’s digital economy

Presented by Hidden Lemon

An all star-studded cast will lead a detailed introductory discussion on the ins and outs of music licensing, publishing, gaming, synchronization, production music, and the alternate avenues for revenue in the creative industries

Drawing on the panel’s experience from the world of Film and Television, Gaming Supervision and Sync Licensing, Catalog Acquisition, and Music composition and production, the audience will gain a deep insight as to how these professionals generate revenue for rights holders (authors and musicians) and film makers, game developers, television producers, and international advertisers.  (In English)

with Irma De Wind (Music Supervisor for Film, Games and Advertisting at De Wind Supervision), Magdalena Niestryjewska (Head of Sync and Music Supervisor at Jaguarec Music Publisher), Mariya Kaperska (Managing Director at Phoenix Music International Label Manager, Publisher, Sync Specialist) Iavor Pachovski (Music Composer, Score Twins / Strezov Sampling)

спонсориран от Hidden Lemon

Този звезден панел ще проведе подробна въвеждаща дискусия за тънкостите на
лицензирането на музика, пъблишинг, гейминг, синхронизацията, музикалната продукция, и алтернативните приходни потоци в музикалната индустрия.

Благодарение на богатият опит на панелистите от света на киното и телевизията, гейминга, лицензирането и синхронизацията на музика, придобиване на каталози, както и композиране и продуциране на музика, аудиторията ще придобие задълбочен поглед върху как тези професионалисти генерират приходи за притежателите на права (автори и музиканти) и филмовите продуценти, гейм девелъпери, телевизионни продуценти и международни рекламодатели. (на английски)

с Irma De Wind (Music Supervisor for Film, Games and Advertisting at De Wind Supervision), Magdalena Niestryjewska (Head of Sync and Music Supervisor at Jaguarec Music Publisher), Mariya Kaperska (Managing Director at Phoenix Music International
Label Manager, Publisher, Sync Specialist), Iavor Pachovski (Music Composer, Score Twins / Strezov Sampling

12:15-13:15, Hall 2

Burnout Prevention Seminar

Three Faces of Burnout

In the wake of the post-pandemic era, burnout has been a prevalent buzzword. This occupational phenomenon stems from unmanaged work stress manifesting through a series of psychological and physiological symptoms. Surging in recent years, it spares no industry, including the music ecosystem.

Workshop titled “Three Faces of Burnout,” dives deeper into the true nature of burnout, shedding light on its emotional, physiological and social manifestations. During this session, participants will gain insight into assessing, managing, and mitigating burnout, and get some practical strategies to navigate and overcome this pervasive challenge.

Join us as we explore proactive approaches to preserving well-being and fostering resilience.

with Aleksandra Denda (Music Therapist, Cognitive Behavior Coach, Educator, Artist)

Три лица на прегарянето

В епохата след пандемията “прегарянето” е широко разпространена модна дума. Този професионален феномен произтича от неконтролиран стрес на работното място, проявяващ се чрез редица психологически и физиологични симптоми. Засилвайки се през последните години, то не щади нито една индустрия, включително музикалната екосистема.

Семинарът, озаглавен “Трите лица на прегарянето”, се задълбочава в истинската същност на прегарянето, като хвърля светлина върху неговите емоционални, физиологични и социални проявления. По време на тази сесия участниците ще придобият представа за оценяването, управлението и смекчаването на прегарянето и ще получат някои практически стратегии за ориентиране и преодоляване на това широко разпространено предизвикателство.

Присъединете се към нас, за да проучим проактивните подходи за запазване на благосъстоянието и насърчаване на устойчивостта.  (на английски)

с Aleksandra Denda (Music Therapist, Cognitive Behavior Coach, Educator, Artist)


Lunch Break

Обедна почивка
14:15-15:15, Hall 1

The Biggest Records in the World

The story of Polar Music Studio

In this keynote interview / masterclass, legendry sound engineer and producer Lennart Östlund will talk about working with bands like ABBA, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, and Rammstein, just to name a few. His years behind the mixing desk have changed the face (sound) of contempoary music in Europe and beyond.  (In English with Bulgarian Translation)

with Lennart Östlund (Polar Studio) and Boyan Pinter (Founder / Director @ SPIKE)

От момента, в който музикалното Polar Music Studioes отваря врати през 1978 г., АBBA могат да работят без прекъсване седмици наред.

По онова време Polar Music Studio е едно от най-модерните студия в света и привлича много международни изпълнители като Ramones, Rammstein, Roxy Music, Genesis, Adam Ant, Backstreet Boys, Beastie Boys, Belinda Carlisle, Burt Bacharach, Celine Dion, Roxette и Led Zepplin.

Звукорежисьорът и микс инженер Ленарт Юстлунд се завръща в SPIKE, за да разкаже историите зад музиката в рамките на едно на пътешествие из коридорите на музикалното студио. (на английски)

с Lennart Östlund (Polar Studio) и Boyan Pinter (Founder / Director @ SPIKE)

15:30-16:30, Hall 1

The Festival Panel 2024

Presented by Miracle of Bravery Records

In this panel, audiences will gain a keen insight into the diverse world of music festivals. They can be all-inclusive, genre specific, bigger than you can ever imagine, but they all share common traits.

The panelists will talk about how their festivals got started, their business structures, booking practices, and funding sources.

All this and more at The Festival Panel! (In English)

with Benjamin Fournet (Motocultor Festival / Carhaix), Roberto Cammarata (Ypsigrock), David Silbaugh (Summerfest)

moderated by Peter Åstedt (Future Echoes, MusicHelp)

Спонсориран от Miracle of Bravery Records

По време на този панел публиката ще се запознае отблизо с разнообразния свят на музикалните фестивали. Те могат да бъдат всеобхватни,
специфични за даден жанр, по-големи, отколкото можете да си представите, но всички те имат общи черти.

Участниците в дискусията ще разкажат за това как са стартирали техните фестивали, за бизнес структурите им, как селектират артисти,
и от къде получават своето финансиране.

Всичко това и още много други неща на „Панел на фестивалите” (на английски)

с Benjamin Fournet (Motocultor Festival / Carhaix), Roberto Cammarata (Ypsigrock), David Silbaugh (Summerfest)

модериран от Peter Åstedt (Future Echoes, MusicHelp)

16:00-17:00, Hall 2

How to use the power of Digital AI Marketing

or “how I learned to stop worrying and love the machine (learning)”

A pioneer of the digital realm Aileen Crowley is currently a partner at the New York City bsaed consultancy firm Lark42.

Aileen is a data driven innovator with expertise in streaming, marketing and digital strategy. Throughout her career, she has developed cutting edge tools for music promotion and hit making.

You do not want to miss this workshop.  (In English)

with Aileen Crowley (Lark42)

A pioneer of the digital realm Aileen Crowley is currently a partner at the New York City bsaed consultancy firm Lark42.

Aileen is a data driven innovator with expertise in streaming, marketing and digital strategy. Throughout her career, she has developed cutting edge tools for music promotion and hit making.

You do not want to miss this workshop.  (на английски)

с Aileen Crowley (Lark42)




11:00-12:00, Hall 1

Everything you wanted to know about the music business but you were afraid to ask

A crowd favorite and one of the most candid and constructive panels to kick off Day 2 of SPIKE.

Look forward to a special secret guest! (In English)

with Peter Åstedt (Future Echoes, MusicHelp), Boyan Pinter (Founder/Director @ SPIKE)

Този любим на публиката панел и един от най-откровените, макар и конструктивни панели в началото на Ден 2 на SPIKE!

Очаквайте специален таен гост! (на английски)

с Peter Åstedt (Future Echoes, MusicHelp), Boyan Pinter (Founder/Director @ SPIKE)

12:15-13:15, Hall 2

Presentation & Workshop

International music business school

An introduction, presentation, and special announcement from the International Music Business School!  (In English)

with Ekaterina Bazhanova (Director of Music Business Mindset, IMBS) & Tsvetina Vacheva (YouGrow Promo, Indie Massive, IMBS Graduate)

Представяне, презентация и специално съобщение от International Music Business School!  (на английски)

с Ekaterina Bazhanova (Director of Music Business Mindset, IMBS) & Tsvetina Vacheva (YouGrow Promo, Indie Massive, IMBS Graduate)


12:15-13:15, Hall 1

Music Venues: from the club to the stadium

How our infrastructure and business practices impact the development of your music scene

After a visit to most of Bulgaria’s main music venues industry veteran Carl A H Martin will ask the tough question of where we our infrastructure stands and what key aspects of venue design frequently and almost universally overlooked. In a discussion with Andra Rotariu of Control Club, Bucharest and Boyan Pinter of Blue Hills, audiences will gain valuable insight into the mindset of the venue operator, booker and production specialist.  (In English)

with Carl A H Martin (Moderator), Andra Rotariu (Booker, Control Club), Stefanos Elpiziotis (Gagarin 205), Boyan Pinter (Founder/Director @ SPIKE, Blue Hills Events)

„След като е посетил повечето от основните музикални клубове и места в България, ветеранът Карл А Х Мартин ще зададе труднте въпроси за това къде се намира нашата инфраструктура днес и кои ключови аспекти от дизайна на местата за провеждане на концерти са често, и почти повсеместно, пренебрегнати. В дискусия ще се включат
Андра Ротариу от Control Club, Букурещ и Боян Пинтер от Blue Hills.

Публиката ще получи ценна информация за това каква нагласа трябва да имат един управител на музикално заведение техния букър и техния менажер продукция.  (на английски)

с Carl A H Martin (Moderator), Andra Rotariu (Booker, Control Club), Stefanos Elpiziotis (Gagarin 205), Boyan Pinter (Founder/Director @ SPIKE, Blue Hills Events)


Lunch Break

Обедна почивка
14:15-15:30, Hall 1

Keynote Interview with Steve Lillywhite

Join us for a unique and insightful conversation with one of the most celebrated producers of the music world. Six time Grammy award winner Steve Lillywhite will be traveling from Jakarta to join SPIKE and share with you the stories behind some of the most groundbreaking and celebrated records of all time. And more than a few stories…

From U2 to the Rolling Stones, from Peter Gabriel to Dave Matthews Band, we will ask Steve to talk about creavity and the recording process, is it really that easy to get along with Bono, and why are there no cymbals on that one Peter Gabriel album?

Please enjoy!  (In English with Bulgarian Translation)

with Steve Lillywhite, CBE (Legendary Record Producer) in conversation with Boyan Pinter (Founder/Director @ SPIKE)

Join us for a unique and insightful conversation with one of the most celebrated producers of the music world. Six time Grammy award winner Steve Lillywhite will be traveling from Jakarta to join SPIKE and share with you the stories behind some of the most groundbreaking and celebrated records of all time. And more than a few stories…

From U2 to the Rolling Stones, from Peter Gabriel to Dave Matthews Band, we will ask Steve to talk about creavity and the recording process, is it really that easy to get along with Bono, and why are there no cymbals on that one Peter Gabriel album?

Please enjoy!  (на английски с български превод)

със Steve Lillywhite, CBE (Legendary Record Producer) в разговор с Boyan Pinter (Founder/Director @ SPIKE)

15:45-16:45, Hall 1

Mental Health and Addictions in the Music Industry

The Next Chapter

Presented by Blue Hills Events

A Creative Life in Balance!

The creative industries have always been a volatile and unpredictable way to make a living. It is a lifestyle that carries with it a lot of choices and opportunities, but seldom provides the coping mechanisms to manage the pressures and demands of the industry.

The panel will dive into a contextual and informative discussion on the effects of substance abuse and alcoholism as self-prescribed and self-administered coping mechanisms in the industry. Can we avoid the pitfalls of history or find a solid middle ground? (In English)

with Aleksandra Denda (Music Therapist, CB Coach), Ivan Shopov (Artist), Roman Wroblewski (Artist)

moderated by Malen Malenov (Psychoanalyst / Psychodrama Therapist)

спонсориран от Blue Hills Events

Балансът в живота на една креативна личност

Творческите индустрии винаги са били силно промемнлив и непредсказуем начин за изкарване на прехрана. Това е начин на живот, който носи със себе си много възможности, но рядко предоставя механизми за справяне със стреса и изискванията на индустрията.

Панелът ще се впусне в една информативна дискусия за последиците от злоупотребата с наркотични вещества и алкохолизма като самопредписани механизми за справяне с трудностите на индустрията.

Можем ли да избегнем клопките на историята или да намерим стабилна средна позиция? (на английски)

с Aleksandra Denda (Music Therapist, CB Coach), Ivan Shopov (Artist), Roman Wroblewski (Artist)

модериран от Malen Malenov (Psychoanalyst / Psychodrama Therapist)


16:00-17:00, hall 2

The secrets to YouTube Success

Stay in line with the algorithm

The Eastern European digital music economy continues to be dominated by You Tube revenue. Accoring to recent reports, the Bulgarian digital market grew by an amazing 44% over the last year.

Learn how can YOU can increase of visibility, reach wider audiences, and make more money with your original music on You Tube.  (In English)

with Zsolt Kele (Video Audience Development, Believe Music)

Музикална икономика на Балканите продължава да бъде доминирана от от приходите от You Tube. Според последните доклади българският цифров пазар е нараснал с невероятните 44% през последната година.

Научете как можете да увеличите видимостта си, да достигнете до по-широка аудитория и
да печелите повече пари с авторска музика музика в You Tube.   (на английски)

със Zsolt Kele (Video Audience Development, Believe Music)